To Digitalize farmer’s activity - connecting, monitoring and executing their...
Nectar is one of the leading IoT Solutions & Service Provider that help you connect and scale with efficiency. We provide seamless IoT implementation services to integrate IoT solutions with existing enterprise architecture and transform your business processes. We help you improve your decision-making, and design, develop, integrate, deploy and manage end-to-end IoT processes.
The process of convergence of micro-electromechanical systems, the internet, wireless technology, and micro-services helps to tear down the silo walls between OT (Operational Technology) and IT (Information Technology). From IoT Application Management services to IoT Device Management services, as an IoT Solutions & Service Provider we do our best to create a superior experience for our clients.
We Provide the Following IoT Solutions & Services
- Consulting Services
- Design and Development.
- Thorough Security Testing
- Seamless Integration
- Launch and after launch support services
- Industry-standard IoT protocols – MQTT, CoAP, and HTTP
- Cloud and On-premise deployments
- Device management
- Data Collection and Routing
- Edge Computing
- Visualization of your IoT solution
- Provisioning, Monitoring, and Authenticating IOT Entities
- Secure and rich server-side APIs
- Efficient Diagnosis and Configuration
- Extensive Maintenance and Support